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Account Structure and Account Types
Following accounts are used by Muqassa for trade, position, margin, and collateral management:
Clearing is a process to guarantee and confirm the transactions prior to settlement between the Participants, to establish final positions for settlement. Muqassa clears exchange traded transactions on open offer basis, where Muqassa places itself between the counter parties at the time of matching.
Products Cleared
Account Structure and Account Types
Account Structure and Account Types
Following accounts are used by Muqassa for trade, position, margin, and collateral management:
Members House Trade and Position Account
Accounts used to trade and keep related position for Member`s own transactions.
Market Maker (House/Client) Trade and Position Account
Market Maker (House/Client) Trade and Position Account can also be opened for Members for market making activities.
Client Trade and Position Account (Net/Gross)
Muqassa offers two types of client trade and position accounts:
First one is the Net Client Trade and Position Account, where positions taken on the same contract with opposite sides will be closed automatically by Muqassa.
The other one is the Gross Client Trade and Position Account, where positions taken on the same contract with opposite sides will be kept in the account until it is closed by the Member.
Individual Client Trade and Position Account
Individual Client Trade and Position Account will be opened to capture trade and keep related position related to an Individual Client.
Allocation account
used as a temporary house Trading Account to captures both Member’s own trades and client trades. All trades captured on allocation account will be considered as the Member own trades until rectified.
Client Murabaha Trading Account
Client Murabaha Trading Account used to capture Murabaha Client trades.
Margin and Collateral Accounts
Member House collateral account
Account used to keep collateral against the margin requirement calculated for Member`s own positions at House -Trade and Position Accounts.
Client Collateral Accounts
Two types of client collateral accounts are offered:
Individual Client Collateral Account: Account that is used to keep collateral of an individual Client. The collateral at this account shall only be used to cover the margin requirement calculated for the positions of the Client. This account could be opened upon the request of the Member.
Omnibus Client Collateral Account: Account that is used to keep collateral of multiple Clients. The collateral at this account shall only be used to cover the margin requirement calculated for the positions of the same group of Clients. This is the standard account opened for each Member.
Default Fund Account
Default Fund Account is used to hold default fund contributions.
Free Cash Account
Free Cash Account is used to hold cash. It is free from any margin requirement.
Trade management
Trade management
- Rectify Trades will allow members to rectify any trade within the days & time restriction set by Muqassa. Rectify can include changing the account number or splitting quantity into several new trades.
- Split Trade will allow members to split the quantity of one trade into multiple trades.
- Average Price Trade is intended to combine a group of trades into one trade.
Settlement Instructions
Settlement Instructions
Muqassa- Cleared Trades
- Member End client resulting from Gross trading account and trades with T+0 settlement date will be sent real time, if trades are resulting from Net Trading account instruction will be generated end of day.
- Member to Muqassa Settlement instruction will be generated on net bases end of day
Non- Muqassa Cleared Trades
Member to Member (OTC Trades) will be generated real time (Gross)
- Muqassa is accepting ^ cash as collateral. Collateral should be transferred by the Member to Muqassa account at the central bank (SAMA).
- Muqassa also accept securities (Member should deposit security as collateral to Muqassa collateral account at Securities Depository Centre.
Member can withdraw collateral within the timeframes specified. Internal collateral transfer between Member accounts at Muqassa is possible.
Collateral Investment
Daily Cycle Time
Daily Cycle Time
Particulars | Time (KSA) |
Cash Market Clearing operations timings | 08:00 – 16:00 |
Deposit of cash collateral | 09:00 – 15:30 |
Starts Intraday margin call | 10:00 |
Deadline for final end of day margin call cover | 11:00 |
Withdrawal of cash collateral | 11:00 – 15:30 |
Final intraday margin call | 14:30 |
Rectify trade time (including split and average price) deadline | Trade Date (15:55) |
Rectify Trade day (including split and average price) deadline |
T+0=NA T+1 on T+0 EOD T+2 on T+1 EOD |
End of day margin calculation and margin call issuance | 16:30 |
Auto Rectify by the CCP on intended settlement date | 05:00 |
CCP placing mandatory buy-in orders for failed settlement regarding member to CCP instructions | 2nd buy-in session 13:35 |
Clearing house reports available from | 17:00 |
Default fund contribution (resize) | Notification date + 3 working days |